Thought Leadership

The lifeblood of a business school is its faculty, and at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business our faculty members are inspiring, supportive and world-class. We are attuned to a marketplace that values innovation, entrepreneurialism, analytical thinking and hard work. Our teaching and research equips students with the wisdom of business scholarship rooted in the experiential lessons of the marketplace.

March 13, 2018
Boost Accounting Transparency
Accounting information that individual firms report can have a big impact on the economy. Smith School professor Rebecca Hann says the reason is because economic forces prevent markets from weeding out under-performing firms.
Read the article : Boost Accounting Transparency
March 12, 2018
Stop Flaunting Your Upscale Brands
If you've got it, don't flaunt it. That's the conclusion Smith School professor Rosellina Ferraro and two colleagues came to when they studied how people display the brands they use. Using brands in a conspicuous manner is a turnoff for many others.
Read the article : Stop Flaunting Your Upscale Brands
March 11, 2018
Give Outdated Tech a Second Life
In the technology world, what's old is rarely new again, which can be problematic for tech manufacturers. Smith School professor Wedad Elmaghraby says online liquidation auctions have emerged as a potential solution, operating as secondary marketplaces.
Read the article : Give Outdated Tech a Second Life
March 10, 2018
Fix Pay Gaps to Boost R&D
Companies that want to boldly go into new knowledge domains should start by looking inward at compensation design. A working paper co-authored by Smith School professor Waverly W. Ding shows that large pay gaps among research and development professionals at the same job level within an…
Read the article : Fix Pay Gaps to Boost R&D
March 9, 2018
Create Ethical Hiring Processes
Hiring managers invite harsh moral judgments when they give jobs to friends and acquaintances referred by high-powered individuals within their organizations, new research from Smith School professor Rellie Derfler-Rozin and two co-authors shows.
Read the article : Create Ethical Hiring Processes
March 8, 2018
The Wisdom of Women Leading Women
BET Networks executive Donna Blackman applauds the courage of women who speak up about sexual harassment in the workplace. But she is cautious when it comes to giving advice to people who might face retaliation.
Read the article : The Wisdom of Women Leading Women
March 8, 2018
Transform from the Bottom Up
How best should companies seek to evolve? The Smith School's M. Susan Taylor says continuous organizational change is likely to have its roots at lower "work unit" levels and wind its way upward. Her model helps explain why.
Read the article : Transform from the Bottom Up
March 8, 2018
How the New Tax Law Could Affect Your 2017 Returns
While the newly adopted tax code didn't go into effect until 2018, it might actually create a soft spot in the 2017 tax returns Americans are filing now. And it's all because of the things that the new law strips from the tax code, says the Smith School's Samuel Handwerger.
Read the article : How the New Tax Law Could Affect Your 2017 Returns
March 7, 2018
Optimize Executive Incentives
Leaders might deserve dismissal when they behave badly, but some lose their jobs for simply having the right skills at the wrong time. "Over time changes in business conditions may call for a change of top management," Smith School professor M. Cecilia Bustamante says.
Read the article : Optimize Executive Incentives
March 6, 2018
Use Data for Personalized Cancer Care
A new app that culls through medical data can offer a better answer to many cancer patients' top question: "What's my prognosis?" Having an accurate answer helps them choose the best treatment. Smith School professor Margrét Bjarnadóttir and a team of researchers developed the app and patient-…
Read the article : Use Data for Personalized Cancer Care
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