Academic Majors

Undergraduates at Smith learn from world-class faculty who deliver a state-of-the-art curriculum based on the needs of the real world. With our Plus 1 program, students have the option to earn their bachelor's and master's degrees in just five years for select majors.


When you study Accounting at Smith, you’ll learn from faculty who influence how companies choose to invest in cybersecurity, and network with Smith accounting alumni, who hold more CEO and managing partner positions in public accounting firms than any other university.

The accounting curriculum includes financial planning, budgeting, accounting systems, financial management controls, financial analysis of performance, financial reporting, internal and external auditing, and taxation. It provides an excellent foundation for careers like public accounting, management, forensic accounting, and consulting.

Download complete degree requirements and/or a 4-year plan.

New Requirements

Public Accounting (CPA) Track: Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2024 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2024 have the option of adopting these new requirements. The Public Accounting Track is for students who are pursuing careers that require (or recommend) that they sit for the CPA (Certified Public Accounting) exam. Also, Accounting majors who want to keep the CPA career track open as an option should target the Public Accounting track. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

Business and Accounting Advisory Track: Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2024 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2024 have the option of adopting these new requirements. The Business and Accounting Advisory Track is for students who are pursuing careers in business and accounting that do not require the student to be CPA Exam eligible. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

Old Requirements

- (New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Spring 2014 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Spring 2014 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

- (New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2012 through Fall 2013. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2012 have the option of adopting these requirements. External transfer students will be required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

- (CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2011 through Spring 2012. External transfer students will be required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013.

- (CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2007 through Spring 2011.

- (CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2005 through Spring 2007.

- (CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD from Spring 2003 through Spring 2005

Links to Related Sites

Major Requirements

BMGT310 - Intermediate Accounting I

3 credits

BMGT321 Managerial Accounting

3 credits

BMGT326 Accounting Systems

3 credits


9 credits

In addition to the 9 credits of Accounting major requirements listed above, Accounting majors must also complete the required credits in one of the tracks listed below. 
Public Accounting (CPA) Track
BMGT311 Intermediate Accounting II

3 credits

BMGT323 Taxation of Individuals

3 credits

BMGT411 Ethics and Professionalism in Accounting

3 credits

BMGT422 Auditing Theory and Practice

3 credits

One of the following courses:
BMGT313 Financial Statement Analysis 
BMGT410 Government Accounting 
BMGT417 Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships and Estates 
BMGT423 Fraud Examination 
BMGT424 Advanced Accounting 
BMGT428 Special Topics in Accounting

3 credits


24 credits

Business and Accounting Advisory Track
Two of the following courses:
BMGT311 Intermediate Accounting II 
BMGT313 Financial Statement Analysis 
BMGT323 Taxation of Individuals 
BMGT410 Government Accounting 
BMGT411 Ethics and Professionalism in Accounting 
BMGT417 Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships and Estates 
BMGT422 Auditing Theory and Practice 
BMGT423 Fraud Examination 
BMGT424 Advanced Accounting 
BMGT428 Special Topics in Accounting

6 credits

One of the following courses: 
BMGT362 Negotiations 
BMGT372 Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management 
BMGT385 Operations Management 
BMGT392 Introduction to International Business Management 
BMGT402 Database Systems 
BMGT440 Advanced Financial Management 
BMGT454 Global Marketing 
BMGT461 Entrepreneurship

3 credits

Or one of the following accounting courses not selected above: 
BMGT311 Intermediate Accounting II 
BMGT313 Financial Statement Analysis 
BMGT323 Taxation of Individuals 
BMGT410 Government Accounting 
BMGT411 Ethics and Professionalism in Accounting 
BMGT417 Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships and Estates 
BMGT422 Auditing Theory and Practice 
BMGT423 Fraud Examination 
BMGT424 Advanced Accounting 
BMGT428 Special Topics in Accounting



18 credits

Suggested 150 Credit Hour Options

Most states, including Maryland, require a minimum of 150 credit hours of college education to fulfill the education requirements to obtain a CPA license. Students can typically complete their Accounting degree and the specific course requirements for the CPA in the minimum 120 credits required to earn the degree. However, if 150 credits are required to fulfill the education requirements to obtain a CPA license, students must complete 30 credits beyond the specific course requirements to be licensed. These additional credits can be completed in several ways, as illustrated below. Please consult the Board of Accountants in the state where you intend to take the exam for their specific requirements because requirements can vary between states. For details on various states' CPA requirements visit

Graduate Programs

The Smith School offers several specialty master's degrees including one in accounting. Credits from these programs can apply to the 150 credits required for the CPA, and these programs can further enhance your accounting knowledge and skills or provide you with more depth in another area of business. In addition, accounting majors can pursue +1 Dual Bachelor's/Master's degrees and take up to 10 credits of graduate credit as an undergraduate at undergraduate tuition rates. In addition, some graduate credits can satisfy undergraduate degree requirements. For more details on these programs visit Business Master’s and Plus 1.

In addition, many institutions offer graduate programs for undergraduate accounting students. Consult institutions in your area about the availability of these types of graduate degrees.

Double Majors/Degrees

Accounting majors can select a second major in or outside the Smith School. Any credits required to complete the second major, above the 120 minimum required for a degree, can be applied toward the 150 total credits to obtain a CPA license. Students who accumulate 150 credits while completing both majors are eligible to earn two degrees upon their graduation.

Obtain information on majors outside the Smith School.


The Smith School of Business currently offers two minors that are open to Smith School students, Business Analytics and Innovation & Entrepreneurship. Additionally, many minors are offered in other departments across the campus.

Smith Undergraduate Fellows Program

The Smith Undergraduate Fellows program is an innovative concept in undergraduate business education, offering a series of special academic programs—or tracks—that will create small communities of scholars within the larger Smith School community. Each specialized fellows program combines opportunities for action learning and professional development with rigorous in-depth academic coursework focused on cutting-edge issues affecting 21st-century business.

Study Abroad Programs (summer, winter, and/or semester programs)

Studying abroad is a great way to expand your understanding of other business and cultural environments, and to demonstrate an ability to work effectively in foreign environments. In addition to the campus Study Abroad Office, the Center for Global Business offers exchange programs for Smith School students. Visit the links below for more details on all your program options and contact information.


Smith’s Finance majors learn from faculty with real-world experience, like Professor Lemma Senbet, whose international finance career has influenced policy in Africa and the careers of the students he’s mentored, who include a bank president and a chief economist at the SEC. 

The finance curriculum will familiarize you with the institutions, theory and practice involved in the allocation of financial resources within the private sector. It provides an excellent foundation for careers involving financial analysis and management, investment analysis and portfolio management, investment banking, insurance and risk management, banking, and international finance.

While only MATH120 Elementary Calculus I or MATH140 Calculus I (MATH130 also accepted) is required for the finance major, students with a strong math background are encouraged to complete both MATH140 Calculus I and MATH141 Calculus II. In addition, these students are encouraged to complete MATH240 Introduction to Linear Algebra because the material in this course provides a deeper understanding of finance. Students with an advanced math background will be in a better position to compete for admission to the Quantitative Finance Fellows and the Wall Street Fellows programs. In addition, this quantitative background will expand a student's career opportunities within finance.

Download complete degree requirements and/or a 4-year plan

New Requirements

Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2020 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2020 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

Old Requirements

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2015 through Spring 2020.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Spring 2014 through Spring 2015.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see additional Finance major curriculums from past years.

Economics Requirements

One of the following courses:
ECON 330 Money and Banking or BMGT341 Financial Markets

3 credits


3 credits

Major Requirements

BMGT343 - Investments

3 credits

BMGT440 - Financial Management

3 credits

Complete a combined total of 4 courses (12cr) from the following options:

12 credits

BMGT342 - Wall Street Finance
BMGT347 - Quantitative Financial Analysis (formerly BMGT448G)
BMGT441 - Fixed Income
BMGT442 - Advanced Portfolio Management
BMGT443 - Applied Equity Analysis and Portfolio Management
BMGT444 - Futures and Options Contracts
BMGT445 - Banking and Financial Institutions
BMGT446 - International Finance
BMGT447 - Computational Finance
1 of ECON305/ECON325 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory & Policy or ECON306/ECON326 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

In addition, students can apply a maximum of one course (3cr) toward this requirement from the following options:
BMGT349 Private Equity Fund
BMGT448 - Special Topics in Finance
BMGT449 - Investment Fund Management: Lemma Senbet Fund

One of the following courses:

3 credits

BMGT310 - Intermediate Accounting I
BMGT313 - Financial Statement Analysis
BMGT332 - Quantitative Models for Management Decisions
BMGT430 - Data Modeling in Business
Both BMGT394H (formerly BMGT438A) Applied Quantitative Analysis and ECON423 Econometrics II are approved as course substitutes.

21 credits

Additional Old Requirements

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2013. External transfer students are required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2012 through Spring 2013. External transfer students are required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2011 through Spring 2012. External transfer students are required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Spring 2008 through Spring 2011.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Spring 2008.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD from Fall 2005 through Fall 2007.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD from Fall 1996 through Spring 2005

Information Systems

The Smith School’s Information Systems (IS) major is ranked No. 6 in the country (and the school is No. 11 among publics) by U.S. News & World Report and includes stellar faculty with real-world experience and influential research, like Louiqa Raschid, who is optimizing supply chain networks for desperately needed medical equipment during the pandemic.

The IS major prepares you to effectively plan, use and manage information technologies and systems through a focus on system design and implementation skills, including database and web design. These core concepts provide an excellent foundation for careers in consulting, data analytics and information systems management.

View common IS major questions in the Smith Information Systems Hub.

Download complete degree requirements and/or a 4-year plan

New Requirements

Effective for students entering UMD in Spring 2025 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Spring 2025 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

Old Requirements

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Spring 2014 through Fall 2024. Students who entered UMD prior to Spring 2014 have the option of adopting these requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2013. Students who entered UMD before Fall 2013 have the option of adopting these new requirements. External transfer students are required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2012 through Spring 2013. External transfer students are required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2011 through Spring 2012. External transfer students are required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2006 through Spring 2011.

(CORE General Education) Curriculum outlines for students who entered UMD before Fall 2005 but elect to follow the new Fall 2006 requirements.

(CORE General Education) Requirements effective Fall 2005 - Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2005 and later. Students who entered UMD before Fall 2005 have the option of adopting these requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(CORE General Education) Requirements from Fall 2002 to Spring 2005 - Effective for students entering UMD from Fall 2002 through Spring 2005.

Major Requirements

BMGT302 - Essential Programming Skills for Business Analytics (CMSC132 Object-Oriented Programming II or INST326 Object-Oriented Programming for Information Science can be used as a substitute)

3 credits

BMGT402 - Database Systems (CMSC424 Database Design or INST327 Database Design and Modeling can be used as a substitute)

3 credits

BMGT403 - Systems Analysis and Design

3 credits

BMGT407 - Info Systems Projects

3 credits

Two of the following courses from List A or 1 course from List A and 1 course from List B:

List A:
BMGT400 – Data Visualization and Web Analytics (formerly BMGT408V)
BMGT401 – Big Data and AI using Cloud Computing (formerly BMGT408E)
BMGT404 - Essential Data Skills for Business Analytics (CMSC/DATA320 Introduction to Data Science can substitute)
BMGT406 - Developing Applications for the Web and Social Media
BMGT408 - Emerging Topics in Information Systems (repeatable if content differs)
BMGT485 - Project Management (INST453 Project Management for Information Science can substitute)

List B:
BMGT326 - Accounting Systems
BMGT430 - Data Modeling in Business 
BMGT461 - Entrepreneurship 
BMGT476 - Technology Applications in Supply Chain Management
BMGT484 - Digital Marketing

6 credits


18 credits

International Business

The International Business major dynamically pairs your interests in international economics systems and their inherent multicultural characteristics. In addition to the usual core course and electives that comprise the degree, you’ll have the opportunity to select an upper-level foreign language course to truly expand your skills in a global capacity.

Download complete degree requirements and/or a 4-year plan.

New Requirements

Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2025 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2025 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

Old Requirements

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2015 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2015 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Spring 2014 through Spring 2015.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2012 through Fall 2013. External transfer students will be required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2011 through Spring 2012. External transfer students will be required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2005 through Spring 2011.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD from Fall 1996 through Spring 2005

Links to Related Sites

Major Requirements:

BMGT392 - Introduction to International Business Management

3 credits

BMGT463 - Cross-Cultural Challenges in Business

3 credits

Complete a combined total of 4 courses from the list below:

12 credits

BMGT321 Managerial Acct or BMGT428 Special Topics in Accounting
BMGT341 Financial Markets or ECON330 Money & Banking
BMGT354 Consumer Analysis or BMGT458 Special Topics in Marketing
BMGT430 Data Modeling in Business or BMGT438 Special Topics in Operations Management
BMGT446 International Finance or BMGT448 Special Topics in Finance or ECON305 Intermediate Macroeconomics or ECON306 Intermediate Microeconomics
BMGT454 Global Marketing
BMGT466 Global Business Strategy or BMGT469 Management & Organization Short-term Study Abroad
BMGT477 International Supply Chain Management or BMGT478 Special Topics in Supply Chain Management  
BMGT485 Project Management (INST453 Project Management for Information Science can substitute)


Or a maximum of 1 course from: 
ARAB304 - Advanced Modern Standard Arabic I
CHIN301 - Advanced Chinese I
FREN301 - Composition & Style
GERS301  - Conversation & Composition I: The German-Speaking World
HEBR313 - Conversation & Composition I
ITAL301 - Italian Composition
JAPN301 - Advanced Japanese I
PERS301 - Advanced Persian I
PORT405 - Portuguese for Spanish Speakers
RUSS301 - Advanced Russian I
SPAN301 - Advanced Grammar & Composition 

18 credits


When you select a Management major, you join a leading undergraduate program in management and entrepreneurship, led by “edu-preneurs” like Oliver Schlake. Both of these programs are regularly highly ranked, and focus on leadership and entrepreneurship, engaging students in critical thinking and problem solving, which are applicable to many careers.

With a management major you have a wealth of potential career paths. These can include consulting analyst, financial advisor, human resource management, nonprofit management, and entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship.

Download complete degree requirements and/or a 4-year plan.

New Requirements

Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2017 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2017 have the option of adopting these new major requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

Old Requirements

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Spring 2014 and through Spring 2017. Students who entered UMD prior to Spring 2014 have the option of adopting these major requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2012 through Fall 2013. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2012 have the option of adopting these major requirements. External transfer students will be required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(CORE General Education) Requirements for those entering UMD as a freshman in Fall 2011 or Spring 2012. External transfer students will be required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013.

(CORE General Education) Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2011 but wish to complete these major requirements can view the curriculum outline and 4-year plan below.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Spring 2009 through Spring 2011.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2005 through Spring 2009. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2005 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Beginning in Fall 2006 an entrepreneurship track of the General Business major is available at the Shady Grove campus.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD from Fall 1996 through Spring 2005

Links to Related Sites

Economics Requirements:

No upper-level economics courses are required for students majoring in management.

Major Requirements:

BMGT362 - Negotiations

3 credits

BMGT363 - Leadership and Teamwork in Organizations

3 credits

Complete 4 of the following courses:

12 credits

BMGT360 – Strategic Management of Human Capital 
BMGT366 - Growth Strategies for Emerging Companies 
BMGT461 – Entrepreneurship 
BMGT463 - Cross-Cultural Challenges in Business 
BMGT466 - Global Business Strategy 
BMGT468 - Special Topics in Management and Organization 
BMGT469 - Management and Organization Short-term Study Aboard 
Note: A maximum combined total of 6 credits of BMGT468 and BMGT469 coursework can satisfy management major requirements. 
Total Major Requirements

18 credits


As a Smith marketing major, you’ll learn how to be successful at all levels of an organization by ensuring that quality goods and services are provided at fair prices and in a way that benefits the community and society. And you’ll learn from faculty like Rebecca Ratner, whose research about solitude has made a huge impact in consumer studies.

The marketing major’s curriculum lays an excellent groundwork for careers in brand management, advertising, consumer research, and sales.

Download complete degree requirements and/or a 4-year plan.

New Requirements

Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2025 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2025 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

Old Requirements

Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2023 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2023 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Spring 2014 through Spring 2023. The only changes to the Marketing Major's requirements for Fall 2023 are course number changes as noted in the degree requirements above.  So students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2023 will see no difference in the major's requirements except that several major courses have changed their course numbers.  Students who entered UMD prior to Spring 2014 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2012 through Fall 2013. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2012 have the option of adopting these new requirements. External transfer students will be required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2011 through Spring 2012. External transfer students will be required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2010 through Spring 2011.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2008 through Spring 2010.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD from Fall 2005 through Spring 2008.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD from Fall 2001 through Spring 2005

Links to Related Sites

Major Requirements:

BMGT351 - Marketing Research Methods  (formerly BMGT452)   

3 credits

BMGT354 - Consumer Analysis  (formerly BMGT451)   

3 credits

BMGT457 - Marketing Policies and Strategies

3 credits

Three of the following courses

9 credits

BMGT357 - Marketing Internship (3 credits only toward major)
BMGT372 - Intro. to Logistics and Supply Chain Management
BMGT450 - Integrated Marketing Communication
BMGT453 - Retail Management (formerly BMGT353)
BMGT454 - International Marketing
BMGT455 - Sales Management
BMGT456 - Customer-Centric Innovation (formerly BMGT352)
BMGT458 - Special Topics in Marketing (maximum 6 credits if content differs)
BMGT484 - Electronic Marketing (or BMGT408D Google AdWords and Analytics)

18 credits

Operations Management & Business Analytics

The Operations Management & Business Analytics major will equip you with the knowledge and skills to apply quantitative and statistically based modeling techniques to data. And with world-class faculty at the helm of your education, you’ll be able to drive and influence decision-making at all levels of business. These skills are in higher demand than ever before, and provide career opportunities in the public and private sectors, including careers in energy, finance, insurance, health care, logistics, and marketing.

Download complete degree requirements and/or a 4-year plan.

New Requirements

Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2025 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2025 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

Old Requirements

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2015 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2015 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Spring 2014 through Spring 2015. Students who entered UMD prior to Spring 2014 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2012 through Fall 2013. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2012 have the option of adopting these new requirements. External transfer students will be required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2011 through Spring 2012. External transfer students will be required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2005 through Spring 2011.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD from Fall 1996 through Spring 2005

Links to Related Sites

Major Requirements:

BMGT332 - Quantitative Models for Management Decisions

3 credits

BMGT385 - Operations Management

3 credits

BMGT430 - Data Modeling in Business

3 credits

BMGT431 - Data Analytics

3 credits

Two of the following courses from List A or 1 course from List A and 1 course from List B:

List A:
BMGT434 – Analytics Consulting: Cases and Projects, or BMGT490H QUEST Capstone Professional Practicum
BMGT435 – Business Process Simulation

List B:
BMGT400 – Data Visualization and Web Analytics (formerly BMGT408V)
BMGT401 – Big Data and AI using Cloud Computing (formerly BMGT408E)
BMGT404 - Essential Data Skills for Business Analytics (CMSC/DATA320 Introduction to Data Science can substitute)
BMGT485 - Project Management (INST453 Project Management for Information Science can substitute)

6 credits


18 credits

Supply Chain Management

Smith Supply Chain Management majors learn what it is to be the lynchpin holding an entire organization together. You’ll learn from renowned faculty with industry experience, like Adams Steven, to ensure that the desired product is available to the customer in the right condition and quantity and at the right time, place, and cost. The curriculum incorporates state-of-the-art software applications, so you’ll learn to develop ways of increasing the efficiency of the flow of goods and services across organizations.

Supply Chain Management majors often double major with complementary majors like Operations Management, Marketing, Information Systems, International Business, and Finance.

Download complete degree requirements and/or a 4-year plan

New Requirements

Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2024 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2024 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

Old Requirements

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2020 and later. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2020 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2016 through Spring 2020. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2016 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Spring 2014 through Spring 2016. Students who entered UMD prior to Spring 2014 have the option of adopting these new requirements. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see additional Supply Chain Management curriculums from past years.

Major Requirements

BMGT370 - Introduction to Transportation

3 credits

BMGT372 - Introduction to Logistics Management and Supply Chain Management

3 credits

Three of the following courses: 
BMGT373 - Supply Chain Management Internship 
(Note a maximum of 3 credits of BMGT373 can fulfill Supply Chain major requirements) 
BMGT374 - Supply Chain Risk Management (formerly BMGT478C) 
BMGT472 - Purchasing and Inbound Logistics 
BMGT475 - Supply Chain Strategy and Network Design 
BMGT476 - Technology Applications in Supply Chain Management 
BMGT477 - International Supply Chain Management 
BMGT478 - Special Topics in Supply Chain Management 
(Note: a maximum of 6 credits of BMGT478 can fulfill Supply Chain Management major requirements) 

9 credits

One of the following courses: 
BMGT302 - Essential Programming Skills for Business Analytics 
BMGT332 - Quantitative Models for Management Decisions 
BMGT385 - Operations Management 
BMGT392 - Introduction to International Business Management 
BMGT454 - Global Marketing 
BMGT461 - Entrepreneurship 
BMGT484 - Digital Marketing 
BMGT490 - QUEST Consulting and Innovation Practicum - option only for students in the QUEST Program

3 credits

Or one of the following courses not selected above: 
BMGT373 - Supply Chain Management Internship 
(Note a maximum of 3 credits of BMGT373 can fulfill Supply Chain major requirements) 
BMGT374 - Supply Chain Risk Management (formerly BMGT478C) 
BMGT472 - Purchasing and Inbound Logistics 
BMGT475 - Supply Chain Strategy and Network Design 
BMGT476 - Technology Applications in Supply Chain Management 
BMGT477 - International Supply Chain Management 
BMGT478 - Special Topics in Supply Chain Management 
(Note: a maximum of 6 credits of BMGT478 can fulfill Supply Chain Management major requirements) 

18 credits

Additional Old Requirements

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2013. Students who entered UMD prior to Fall 2013 have the option of adopting these new requirements. External transfer students will be required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013. Please consult your Smith School Academic Advisor if you have questions.

(New General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2012 through Spring 2013. External transfer students will be required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Fall 2011 through Spring 2012. External transfer students will be required to complete the new Smith School core requirements (launched in 2011) beginning Fall 2013.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD in Spring 2009 through Spring 2011.

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD from Fall 2005 through Fall 2008

(CORE General Education) Effective for students entering UMD from Fall 2001 through Spring 2005

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