Undergraduate Courses
The University of Maryland's Enterprise Learning Management System (ELMS) provides secure online spaces for distributing course materials, communicating with your students, managing grades, and much more. ELMS, as an acronym also expresses the mission of the environment: Enhancing Learning for Maryland Students. In addition to regular courses, ELMS spaces can be requested for organizations, committees, resource sites, workshops, and non-credit courses
Internship Credit Options for Business Students
Several course options are available to students required to or interested in receiving credit for their internship experience. A student can only receive academic credit for one of these courses each summer for an individual internship experience. These courses are designed to complement supervised internships by helping students to reflect on the internship experience and connect with their academic coursework.
BMGT398A: Individual Study in Business and Management — Internship
This course, coordinated by the Office of Career Services, aims to allow students the opportunity to earn credit for their internship experience and make connections with their experience and academic coursework. BMGT398A is offered in the fall and spring semesters with 1, 2, and 3 credit options. Students need to complete a minimum number of internship hours for each credit option (45 hours for 1 credit, 90 hours for 2 credits, 135 hours for 3 credits). The internship must take place during the semester in which the student would like to enroll in the course and credit can not be given for previous internship. BMGT398A counts toward upper-level elective credit. students cannot receive credit for the same internship. If repeating the class, it must be a different internship or a different role at the same company.The course is repeatable up to a maximum of 6 credits.
Required assignments include activities such as work logs, supervisor evaluations, a reflection paper, and a final presentation (3 credit option only). There is no scheduled class time for this course, and course activities will primarily occur through Canvas. View a sample syllabus for course information (subject to change).
Enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis, but preference will be given to students who are completing internships that require credit and/or are unpaid. All inquiries about registration for BMGT398A should be emailed to bmgt398a@umd.edu.
For information on the registration process, please review the documents below:
Contact Information
For general internship credit questions or BMGT398A information, contact Erin Fields Saddler, assistant director for undergraduate career curriculum, at the Smith Office of Career Services. She can be reached at BMGT398A@umd.edu or in 2520 Van Munching Hall.
UNIV 099: Internship Seminar
The University Career Center offers a zero-credit course, UNIV 099, during the fall, winter, spring and summer terms. This seminar is designed to complement supervised internship experiences and is open to all majors. This course is also an option for students completing co-ops and wishing to maintain continuous enrollment. To get more information or to obtain permission to register, visit the University Career Center in 3100 Hornbake Library or visit the University Career Center website.
Summer Internship Credit Options
BMGT students seeking credit for summer internships may be eligible to register for one of several courses offered through the Smith School. To register for one of these courses, students should contact the course instructor. Courses typically offered in the summer include:
- BMGT357: Retailing and Marketing Internship
- BMGT386: General Business Internship (view the syllabus for more information)
- BMGT386: Syllabus, Summer 2025
- BMGT386: How to Register
- BMGT373: Logistics, Transportation, and Supply Chain Management Internship (view the syllabus for more information)
- BMGT373: Syllabus, Summer 2025
Excel Literacy Credential
Excel is an extremely popular and highly utilized spreadsheet software offered by Microsoft. Spreadsheets are frequently used in the business world to store and manipulate data, and you’ll likely find that it will be a productivity tool that you will utilize each day in your business career. In addition, Excel is a leading tool in helping build decision and executive support systems; therefore, Excel supports the creation of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive models. Also, new versions of Excel help with building visual data models. As a result, employers seek new employees and interns who have strong Excel skills. Because of the importance of data in business decisions, it is imperative that Smith students become proficient users of this software in order to compete effectively in the job market.
Zeinab Karake, clinical professor in the decision, operations and information technologies (DOIT) department at the Smith School, has developed an Excel credential to enhance student learning of Excel. All Smith students are invited to accept the Excel Literacy Credential course into their Canvas site. The credential consists of the following five modules.
- Module 1 – Excel Fundamentals
- Module 2 – Excel Functions
- Module 3 – Data Manipulation
- Module 4 – Charts
- Module 5 – Design, Extras, and Customization
To earn the Excel Literacy Credential, students must earn a 70% or higher in all 5 modules. By earning the credential, students will demonstrate that they have developed an Excel proficiency, and they will be prepared for future courses that utilize Excel (ex. BMGT301 Introduction to Information Systems). Those who complete the Smith School Excel Literacy Credential can place the credential on their resume, which will show employers comprehension and mastery of the topic and elevate their resume in the eyes of future employers.
Smith students have access to the Excel Literacy Credential in Canvas each semester and during winter and summer breaks providing lots of flexibility to complete the modules.
The Excel credential instructional videos are from LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com). UMD students have free and unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning, an online library of instructional videos covering the latest software, creative, and business skills. Access LinkedIn Learning for free. LinkedIn Learning offers advanced training in Excel, and it also offers training in graphic design, data analysis, data science, computer programming, web development and much more.
Smith students who have successfully completed the credential should list the credential on their resume. Below are a few examples of how the credential can be presented on a resume.
Highlight Credential in Education Section
University of Maryland, May 2023
Robert H. Smith School of Business
Bachelor of Science, Finance & MarketingGPA: 3.67
Smith School Excel Literacy Credential
- Completed September 2019
- Completed 5-module online course to develop Microsoft Excel skills applicable for building spreadsheets for business
- Enhanced Excel skills in areas such as PivotTables and advanced chart types for functional use in spreadsheet manipulation
Highlight Credential in Skills Section
- Smith School Microsoft Excel Literacy Credential (Completed September 2019)
- 5-module online course covering mathematical functions, advanced chart types, PivotTables, and more
Additional Computer: Access, InDesign, Photoshop
Languages: Proficient in Spanish
If you have questions about completing the Excel credential or any of the Excel modules that appear in Canvas, please contact Zeinab Karake at excel-credential@rhsmith.umd.edu. If you have questions about presenting the credential on your resume, please consult the Smith School’s Office of Career Services at ocs_ug@rhsmith.umd.edu or visit the office in 2520 VMH.