Maryland Smith Research

September 26, 2019
What Alexa and Twitter Can Tell Marketers
There’s a lot marketers can learn from the text we create on social media. New research explains how.
Read the article : What Alexa and Twitter Can Tell Marketers
September 12, 2019
How Do You Build a Company? It Depends on Where You’re From
A popular video game reveals a clear connection between how much hierarchy founders create in their startups and where they hail from.
Read the article : How Do You Build a Company? It Depends on Where You’re From
September 5, 2019
Why Winners Learn To Share Power
Some startups bet everything on a single visionary founder. But organizations with stable shared leadership are more likely to grow and emerge as industry anchors.
Read the article : Why Winners Learn To Share Power
September 5, 2019
Confused by Unclear Accounting Information
In the grand scheme of the economy, the accounting information that individual firms report can have big impacts.
Read the article : Confused by Unclear Accounting Information
August 22, 2019
How Social Networks Can Curb Youth Unemployment
A powerful tool for curbing the growing worldwide problem of youth unemployment could be the ubiquitous mobile phone found in most teens’ pockets, finds new research.
Read the article : How Social Networks Can Curb Youth Unemployment
August 14, 2019
Finding Your Way in a World of Tradeoffs
Managers who rely on computer models to help with decision-making bump into a dilemma when it comes to allocation of scarce resources in complex environments with many moving parts.
Read the article : Finding Your Way in a World of Tradeoffs
August 13, 2019
Good, Better and Best Design for Branded Mobile Apps
Companies win when you put their branded mobile apps on your smartphone. But if the goal is to maximize firm value, new research suggests good, better and best ways to approach design.
Read the article : Good, Better and Best Design for Branded Mobile Apps
July 29, 2019
Crowdsourcing for Ideas? Do This.
Research explores how companies can structure innovation tournaments to drive meaningful results.
Read the article : Crowdsourcing for Ideas? Do This.
July 25, 2019
Finding the Best Path to Your Target
Political candidates, manufacturers and even online game designers can hit their performance targets with increased regularity using a new algorithm developed at Maryland Smith.
Read the article : Finding the Best Path to Your Target
July 24, 2019
Map Yourself on Customer Service Grid
Advancing technology has opened new possibilities for customer service delivery, giving companies more options when setting strategy.
Read the article : Map Yourself on Customer Service Grid
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