Maryland Smith Research

April 29, 2019
How Social Media Does (and Doesn’t) Motivate You
On social media, it can seem like everyone is meeting their fitness goals. It should be excellent motivation for your exercise goals. Right?
Read the article : How Social Media Does (and Doesn’t) Motivate You
April 10, 2019
The Science of Open Secrets at Work
Every workplace has its open secrets. Multiple people may witness the same bad behavior from the same source, but nobody speaks up. Maryland Smith research explains why.
Read the article : The Science of Open Secrets at Work
April 9, 2019
The Pros and Cons of Open Source
New Maryland Smith research presents an economic model to study how software licensing attributes affect a software maker’s decisions, along with insights for policymakers.
Read the article : The Pros and Cons of Open Source
April 9, 2019
Why Your Boss Can't Hear You
Front-line workers resent managers who ignore their input, but Maryland Smith research puts the blame elsewhere. And it might not be what you think.
Read the article : Why Your Boss Can't Hear You
April 4, 2019
An Intervention for Low-Energy Leaders
As it turns out, adding a simple writing exercise to the typical morning routine can energize leaders and make them more effective throughout the day.
Read the article : An Intervention for Low-Energy Leaders
April 2, 2019
The Upsides of Swimming in a Crowded Pool
Investors hate competition because it destroys firm value, but it also spreads the risk among many players when market demand falls.
Read the article : The Upsides of Swimming in a Crowded Pool
March 28, 2019
Why Real Individualists Work Together
People love stories about determined entrepreneurs who work alone until they achieve success. But an isolationist mindset tends to backfire in the real world.
Read the article : Why Real Individualists Work Together
March 5, 2019
Why There's An App For That
A new study examines what happens when a platform owner enters the market with a product that directly competes against rivals in the app store. Does it help or hurt innovation?
Read the article : Why There's An App For That
March 5, 2019
The Evolution Of Applied Psychology
To mark its 100th anniversary in 2017, Maryland Smith's Gilad Chen explored the evolution of the research featured in the Journal of Applied Psychology.
Read the article : The Evolution Of Applied Psychology
February 28, 2019
A Tool for Closing the Gender Pay Gap
Equal pay for equal work is a simple notion, but surprisingly hard to implement without buy-in from upper management and quantitative tools for decision support.
Read the article : A Tool for Closing the Gender Pay Gap
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