Smith Brain Trust

June 9, 2022
Climate Finance Risk Management Virtual Bootcamp Dovetails with SEC Proposed Disclosure Rules
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s recently proposed updated rules for public companies to report the climate-related impact of their businesses to the federal government and their shareholders. While the commission collects public comments on the proposal up to June 17, the University of…
Read the article : Climate Finance Risk Management Virtual Bootcamp Dovetails with SEC Proposed Disclosure Rules
May 25, 2022
Summer Reading List 2022
Check out the 19th annual Summer Reading List for Business Leaders, with recommendations from faculty members at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business. This year’s list includes new and older books on the Fed, problem-solving, entrepreneurism, memory, vaccines, and human…
Read the article : Summer Reading List 2022
May 12, 2022
Smith’s David Kass Explains Buffett’s Spending Spree, Past Blunders

The past several weeks’ financial news spotlight has shone brightly on Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett – and, by proxy, Maryland Smith’s

Read the article : Smith’s David Kass Explains Buffett’s Spending Spree, Past Blunders
April 29, 2022
Will Robots Replace Accounting Jobs?
With advances in technology and the rise of artificial intelligence, there’s the looming question of what jobs will be replaced by robots. Rest assured, the accounting profession isn’t going away, says Maryland Smith’s Rebecca Hann. But her new research finds that jobs are changing as firms’ needs…
Read the article : Will Robots Replace Accounting Jobs?
April 27, 2022
What Elon Musk’s Move Means for Twitter, Tesla Stakeholders
Elon Musk’s pending $43 billion purchase of Twitter stands to be one of Wall Street’s largest-ever leveraged buyouts. Maryland Smith Clinical Professor of Finance David Kass, a stock market expert who has held senior economist positions with the federal government, gives some quick takes on…
Read the article : What Elon Musk’s Move Means for Twitter, Tesla Stakeholders
April 26, 2022
New Study Shows Social Capital as Key Driver of Small Business
A community’s social capital – the level of trust and cooperation among residents – is conventionally associated with the likes of higher SAT scores and less youth violence. But a new study drawn from Payment Protection Program (PPP) and U.S. Census data shows that the same metric also correlates…
Read the article : New Study Shows Social Capital as Key Driver of Small Business
April 22, 2022
The Twitter Bots that Boost Tesla
Amid Elon Musk’s successful $44 billion bid to buy Twitter this week, there’s no denying the value the social media platform has brought to one of the world’s richest person’s other companies, 240 characters at a time. Tesla’s sky-high valuation—over $1 trillion—is linked to the electric car maker’…
Read the article : The Twitter Bots that Boost Tesla
April 19, 2022
Economics of Cybersecurity Deep Dive

By Pratima Harigunani

Read the article : Economics of Cybersecurity Deep Dive
April 7, 2022
3 Keys to Addressing Bias in Health Data and Algorithms and Why it Matters

Underserved and marginalized populations in the United States and across the world have long suffered from unequal access to the basic human need of healthcare based on factors that should not be relevant: race, gender, ethnicity, geographic location and income, says Maryland Smith’s

Read the article : 3 Keys to Addressing Bias in Health Data and Algorithms and Why it Matters
April 6, 2022
Inflation’s Root Cause and Downside of a ‘Windfall Profits Tax’

The consumer price index’s 7.9 percent increase over the past year “is excessive inflation” and “primarily the result of unnecessary fiscal stimulus ($1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act)” that has been “bolstered by excessively accommodative monetary policy by the…

Read the article : Inflation’s Root Cause and Downside of a ‘Windfall Profits Tax’
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