Smith Brain Trust

February 25, 2022
10 Questions to Find a Career You’ll Love
In the era of the Great Resignation, a lot of people are taking time to reflect on how happy they are in their career. After years of feeling bored, uninspired or underappreciated at work, they’re opting for change.
Read the article : 10 Questions to Find a Career You’ll Love
February 24, 2022
Five Do’s for Networking Success
Looking for a new job? How’s your professional network?
Read the article : Five Do’s for Networking Success
February 23, 2022
Can’t Do Inbox Zero? Try This Instead
Imagine beginning your workday with an email inbox that was nearly empty, and ending it in a Zen-like perfect state of emptiness. It’s the idea, of course, behind Inbox Zero, the meticulous email management system aimed at keeping the inbox message-free.
Read the article : Can’t Do Inbox Zero? Try This Instead
February 22, 2022
How To Avoid Tedious Meetings
With the return to in-office work comes the return to in-person meetings, and a reminder of how tedious many of those can be.
Read the article : How To Avoid Tedious Meetings
February 15, 2022
Super Bowl Ads: Celebrities, Cars and Crypto
If a single theme emerged from the deluge of Super Bowl commercials for cryptocurrency, electric vehicles and online booking agencies, it was one that steered viewers away from the worries of the last two years.
Read the article : Super Bowl Ads: Celebrities, Cars and Crypto
February 3, 2022
Pandemic Protocols and Diplomatic Boycotts: Can the Olympics Survive?
On-site spectators will be missing Friday as athletes parade in Beijing for the XXIV Olympic Winter Games opening ceremonies. There will be pandemic-inspired protocols in place, extending through the competitions – similar to the ones adopted at the most recent Summer Games in Tokyo. And there's a…
Read the article : Pandemic Protocols and Diplomatic Boycotts: Can the Olympics Survive?
January 20, 2022
Microsoft Aims to Level up With Activision-blizzard. It’s Not That Easy.
Its proposed $75 billion acquisition of Activision Blizzard would make Microsoft the world’s third-largest publisher of video games and, more significantly, would solidify its position in the development of the "metaverse” – widely considered the next evolution of the internet by which users in the…
Read the article : Microsoft Aims to Level up With Activision-blizzard. It’s Not That Easy.
December 14, 2021
16 Stocks to Watch in 2022

Six months ago, Maryland Smith’s David Kass updated his semi-annual “stocks to watch” list, expanding the lineup of watch-worthy shares to 21.

Read the article : 16 Stocks to Watch in 2022
November 18, 2021
For Maryland Taxpayers, a Tough Ruling
“All income is taxable unless the tax code says it’s not; all expenses are not deductible from that income unless the tax code says they can be deducted.”
Read the article : For Maryland Taxpayers, a Tough Ruling
November 17, 2021
Sub-Saharan Africa’s Debt Problem, the Pandemic, And What Must Happen Next
Maryland Smith’s Lemma Senbet, along with Brookings co-authors, explores how the pandemic and the swift and preemptive lockdowns implemented around the world in March of 2020, “left significant scars on the fiscal position of sub-Saharan Africa and the market condition it faces.”
Read the article : Sub-Saharan Africa’s Debt Problem, the Pandemic, And What Must Happen Next
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