Smith Research
April 25, 2018
A New Approach to the Supply Chain Cash Flow
There are benefits to a fairly recent supply chain innovation: Rather than leaving small suppliers on their own to obtain financing, influential buyers are stepping up as intermediaries.
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A New Approach to the Supply Chain Cash Flow
April 18, 2018
Transformational Leadership Artistry
Scholars point to transformational leadership as being one of the more useful leadership skills, and two Smith School researchers reveal why.
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Transformational Leadership Artistry
April 16, 2018
Business Gets Personal For CFOs
New research suggests that CFOs have a significant influence on firms’ disclosure decisions and respond to personal litigation risk over and above corporate litigation risk.
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Business Gets Personal For CFOs
April 9, 2018
When Life Interrupts Your Daily Checklist
Some people fail to plan. Others plan the wrong way for the modern workplace. New Smith School research identifies the planning technique that might be better suited for fast-paced environments.
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When Life Interrupts Your Daily Checklist
April 4, 2018
A Learning Curve for Using Online Reviews
Do online ratings and reviews actually help consumers make better decisions about doctors, hotels, schools, restaurants, movies and other purchase options? The answer may surprise you.
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A Learning Curve for Using Online Reviews
April 2, 2018
The Dynamic Price Is Right
A new robust optimization model can help store managers make better decisions about when to offer discounts and how low they should go.
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The Dynamic Price Is Right
March 26, 2018
Promoting Voice on Your Action Team
Encouraging a speak-up culture is a tricky task for leaders. New Smith School research reveals what they should and shouldn't do to create effective action teams.
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Promoting Voice on Your Action Team
March 15, 2018
A Century of Organizational Psychology
The Smith School's Gilad Chen reviewed 100 years of research in the field of industrial and organizational psychology, highlighting the progress made and the challenges ahead.
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A Century of Organizational Psychology
March 8, 2018
Transform from the Bottom Up
How best should companies seek to evolve? The Smith School's M. Susan Taylor says continuous organizational change is likely to have its roots at lower "work unit" levels and wind its way upward. Her model helps explain why.
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Transform from the Bottom Up
March 5, 2018
What's Old Is New Again
Selling new generation models only to be left with returned merchandise from older generations can be problematic. New research explores a possible solution.
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What's Old Is New Again