Experiential Learning News

February 2, 2015
Marketing Exec to Headline Women Leading Women

The Women Leading Women event scheduled for Thursday, March 5, has been postponed due to a forecast of inclement weather. *The event has been rescheduled for Monday, March 23*.

Read News Story : Marketing Exec to Headline Women Leading Women
February 1, 2015
Smith School Students Ring Bell to Open NYMEX

College Park, Md. - February 1, 2008 - A group of Robert H. Smith School of Business undergraduate and MBA students had the honor of ringing the bell to open trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange this morning.

Read News Story : Smith School Students Ring Bell to Open NYMEX
January 30, 2015
Booster Funds Awarded to Do Good Challenge Competitors

COLLEGE PARK, Md. (Jan. 30, 2015) Organizers of the University of Maryland’s Do Good Challenge have announced “Do Good Booster Fund” recipients for this year’s competition.

Read News Story : Booster Funds Awarded to Do Good Challenge Competitors
January 26, 2015
10 Days, 15 Site Visits – Accounting Students Take DC

This month, accounting undergraduates at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business took 10 days to visit 15 accounting destinations in Washington, D.C., as part of Jim McKinney's "Tax Avoidance, Tax Policy, and Tax Research Techniques" course. Students met with individuals, groups, and organizations that create, influence, interact, enforce, and adjudicate U.S.

Read News Story : 10 Days, 15 Site Visits – Accounting Students Take DC
January 13, 2015
2010 AMA Mid-Atlantic Conference

The Robert H. Smith School of Business hosted the 2010 annual American Marketing Association (AMA) collegiate mid-Atlantic conference on Feb. 26.

Read News Story : 2010 AMA Mid-Atlantic Conference
January 5, 2015
Smith Consulting Fellows to Join Jersey Shore Restoration Effort

A team of students in the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business will serve as consultants for a call-to-action campaign as part of continuing efforts to restore New Jersey shore communities still affected by Superstorm Sandy.

Read News Story : Smith Consulting Fellows to Join Jersey Shore Restoration Effort
December 22, 2014
Nonprofit Consulting Program a “Win-Win” for Students & Nonprofits

This semester Center for Social Value Creation program Manager Pammi Bhullar connected the 17th cohort of student to high performing nonprofits for semester-long consulting projects through the ChangeTheWorld.org Nonprofit consulting program at the Robert H. Smith School of Business.

Read News Story : Nonprofit Consulting Program a “Win-Win” for Students & Nonprofits
December 22, 2014
Smith MBAs Work with Big Names on Social Venture Consulting Projects

This fall, twenty-one MBA students at the Robert H. Smith School of Business worked on semester-long consulting engagements with Amtrak, The National Aquarium and Remain Home Solutions. All of these organizations aren’t social ventures, but each contracted students to explore a social impact component of their organization.

Read News Story : Smith MBAs Work with Big Names on Social Venture Consulting Projects
December 22, 2014
Senior Undergraduates Complete Honors Capstone at Quest Conference

Thirteen teams of undergraduate QUEST honors students presented the results of their capstone projects to an audience of hundreds at the annual QUEST Conference on Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014, at the Riggs Alumni Center.

Read News Story : Senior Undergraduates Complete Honors Capstone at Quest Conference
December 15, 2014
Smith Grad Students Participate in Case Competition

Students in the five specialty master's programs at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business participated in Smith’s first MS Case Competition on Nov. 14, 2014.

Read News Story : Smith Grad Students Participate in Case Competition
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