February 9, 2015
4th Annual Do Good Challenge Begins

The Do Good Challenge returns to the University of Maryland this week for the fourth year. This innovative prize competition inspires Terps to make the greatest social impact they can for their favorite cause.

Read News Story : 4th Annual Do Good Challenge Begins
January 30, 2015
Booster Funds Awarded to Do Good Challenge Competitors

COLLEGE PARK, Md. (Jan. 30, 2015) Organizers of the University of Maryland’s Do Good Challenge have announced “Do Good Booster Fund” recipients for this year’s competition.

Read News Story : Booster Funds Awarded to Do Good Challenge Competitors
December 22, 2014
Nonprofit Consulting Program a “Win-Win” for Students & Nonprofits

This semester Center for Social Value Creation program Manager Pammi Bhullar connected the 17th cohort of student to high performing nonprofits for semester-long consulting projects through the ChangeTheWorld.org Nonprofit consulting program at the Robert H. Smith School of Business.

Read News Story : Nonprofit Consulting Program a “Win-Win” for Students & Nonprofits
December 22, 2014
Smith MBAs Work with Big Names on Social Venture Consulting Projects

This fall, twenty-one MBA students at the Robert H. Smith School of Business worked on semester-long consulting engagements with Amtrak, The National Aquarium and Remain Home Solutions. All of these organizations aren’t social ventures, but each contracted students to explore a social impact component of their organization.

Read News Story : Smith MBAs Work with Big Names on Social Venture Consulting Projects
December 16, 2014
Students Get Real about Social Entrepreneurship in New Lab

This Fall, the Social Entrepreneurship Lab (SE Lab) was piloted at the Robert H. Smith School of Business under the leadership of Professor Christine Beckman and Adjunct Professor Sara Herald. The Lab is an active learning environment where students test hypotheses around the creation of social ventures, and thereby develop a first-hand understanding of how the field works.

Read News Story : Students Get Real about Social Entrepreneurship in New Lab
December 16, 2014
Smith Students Bring Passion and Business Together in Social Innovation Fellows

Now in its fourth year at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, Social Innovation Fellows (SIF) welcomed a new face of the program this Fall. Professor David Kirsch has taken on the SIF curriculum and breathed a new energy into the program.  “So far, I think SIF is more of an experience than a class.” said Mandy Yard, current SIF Fellow.

Read News Story : Smith Students Bring Passion and Business Together in Social Innovation Fellows
November 26, 2014
Students Advance Sustainability on Campus at UMD Sustainability Jam

Read News Story : Students Advance Sustainability on Campus at UMD Sustainability Jam
November 19, 2014
Students Showcase Nonprofit Consulting Projects

Read News Story : Students Showcase Nonprofit Consulting Projects
November 19, 2014
Smith Center Launches Living Lab Portal

Today, the Center for Social Value Creation (CSVC) at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business officially launched the Living Lab Portal.

Read News Story : Smith Center Launches Living Lab Portal
November 10, 2014
Impact Career Panel Connects MBAs with Impact Alumni

How do you translate an MBA education into an impact-driven career? That was the topic of conversation at the Social Impact Careers panel discussion hosted by the Robert H. Smith School of Business's Office of Career Services on Monday, Novemeber 10th. 

Read News Story : Impact Career Panel Connects MBAs with Impact Alumni
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