Maryland Smith Research

May 14, 2018
Understanding Industry Incubation
Who needs products? Many startups thrive below ground, according to research from the Smith School's Rajshree Agarwal.
Read the article : Understanding Industry Incubation
May 11, 2018
Beware of CFOs with Large Signatures
There's more to signature size than meets the eye. As it turns out, chief financial officers with large signatures are more willing to exploit others and bend the truth in their favor.
Read the article : Beware of CFOs with Large Signatures
May 10, 2018
When Traditionalism Helps Innovation
New research from Smith School professor Debra L. Shapiro finds that innovation teams benefit when they include traditionalists and mavericks.
Read the article : When Traditionalism Helps Innovation
April 30, 2018
The Value of Opposing Viewpoints
Team members aren’t always going to agree with leaders’ goals and strategies. And sometimes, having disagreement among teams is actually ideal for dealing with complex problems.
Read the article : The Value of Opposing Viewpoints
April 25, 2018
A New Approach to the Supply Chain Cash Flow
There are benefits to a fairly recent supply chain innovation: Rather than leaving small suppliers on their own to obtain financing, influential buyers are stepping up as intermediaries.
Read the article : A New Approach to the Supply Chain Cash Flow
April 18, 2018
Transformational Leadership Artistry
Scholars point to transformational leadership as being one of the more useful leadership skills, and two Smith School researchers reveal why.
Read the article : Transformational Leadership Artistry
April 16, 2018
Business Gets Personal For CFOs
New research suggests that CFOs have a significant influence on firms’ disclosure decisions and respond to personal litigation risk over and above corporate litigation risk.
Read the article : Business Gets Personal For CFOs
April 9, 2018
When Life Interrupts Your Daily Checklist
Some people fail to plan. Others plan the wrong way for the modern workplace. New Smith School research identifies the planning technique that might be better suited for fast-paced environments.
Read the article : When Life Interrupts Your Daily Checklist
April 4, 2018
A Learning Curve for Using Online Reviews
Do online ratings and reviews actually help consumers make better decisions about doctors, hotels, schools, restaurants, movies and other purchase options? The answer may surprise you.
Read the article : A Learning Curve for Using Online Reviews
April 2, 2018
The Dynamic Price Is Right
A new robust optimization model can help store managers make better decisions about when to offer discounts and how low they should go.
Read the article : The Dynamic Price Is Right
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