Maryland Smith Research

January 29, 2018
The Cross Section of Commodity Returns
What’s the most useful way to look at commodity prices? A team of Smith School researchers sought to answer that question by examining commodity futures returns over a 42-year period.
Read the article : The Cross Section of Commodity Returns
January 24, 2018
Market Research for the Hashtag Era
Social tags are the keywords that users create as they discuss or categorize topics on social media. And they can offer valuable insights into consumers’ perceptions of products and brands.
Read the article : Market Research for the Hashtag Era
January 23, 2018
Who Are Your Social Network Contacts?
They could determine how innovative you are at work. The network of your “alters” — the people you turn to for problem-solving advice — can also help you become more creative, according to new research.
Read the article : Who Are Your Social Network Contacts?
January 18, 2018
Understanding the Numbers Game
When simulating complex systems, getting the numbers right can be tricky. In new Smith School research, Michael Fu explores methodologies that can help streamline that process.
Read the article : Understanding the Numbers Game
January 17, 2018
Practical Tips for Tackling the Daily Grind
The Smith School's Trevor Foulk evaluates six intervention methods that aim to combat the ongoing effects of the daily grind.
Read the article : Practical Tips for Tackling the Daily Grind
January 16, 2018
How to Optimize Executive Incentives
Leaders can lose their jobs for simply having the right skills at the wrong time, which can complicate negotiations for executive incentive packages.
Read the article : How to Optimize Executive Incentives
January 16, 2018
Digital Strategies in Bond Markets
Bond markets value IT investments differently than stock markets according to the strategic roles of IT in industries and the types of risks they create.
Read the article : Digital Strategies in Bond Markets
January 4, 2018
Decoding Hotel Management Structure
Does it make good economic sense for hotel owners to hold the deeds and manage operations at their properties? Professor Hui Liao believes it does.
Read the article : Decoding Hotel Management Structure
January 3, 2018
Why the Budgeting Process Matters
Numbers, like sales goals, drive action in organizations. But it's the goal-setting process that actually motivates individuals to hit those numbers.
Read the article : Why the Budgeting Process Matters
December 14, 2017
The Benefits of Onboarding Rookies
New Smith School research finds that many growing firms benefit from hiring rookies who are new to the top management level.
Read the article : The Benefits of Onboarding Rookies
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