Smith Brain Trust
May 30, 2018
Your Business School Summer Reading List
The Smith School proudly presents its 15th annual Summer Reading List for Business Leaders, as recommended by faculty members. The 2018 edition covers everything from blind spots in statistics to the science of having a good day at the office.
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Your Business School Summer Reading List
May 29, 2018
Even More at Stake for Brands in the Hashtag Era
Companies called out by hashtag movements like #BoycottStarbucks face not just a potential loss of revenue, but also a rising likelihood that customers will go out of their way to lie, cheat and steal from them.
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Even More at Stake for Brands in the Hashtag Era
May 24, 2018
Parties Should Hit the Ground to Win Midterm Elections
Success in this year's midterm elections will come down to each party's ability to fire up its base to head to the polls to vote.
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Parties Should Hit the Ground to Win Midterm Elections
May 23, 2018
Saks Fifth Avenue Gets a Risky Makeover
Struggling to compete with Sephora and the omni-threat of, Saks Fifth Avenue is making changes, and some analysts remain skeptical. Smith School professor Jie Zhang is more optimistic.
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Saks Fifth Avenue Gets a Risky Makeover
May 14, 2018
Walmart’s Big Month on the World Stage
We are watching a new and very different global Walmart take shape, the Smith School's Anil K. Gupta writes. Recent moves in the U.K., India and Brazil are "bold and brilliant," he says.
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Walmart’s Big Month on the World Stage
May 14, 2018
Post-Crisis and Below Average: A Financial Sector Report Card
As the 10-year anniversary of the global economic crisis approaches, Clifford Rossi offers a financial sector report card. "We have absolutely come a long way in many regards," he says. "But in other respects, we've learned nothing."
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Post-Crisis and Below Average: A Financial Sector Report Card
May 9, 2018
Three Things To Watch As U.S. Exits Iran Deal
With President Trump making official his decision to withdraw the United States from the Iran nuclear deal, Kislaya Prasad takes a look at what's likely to happen next.
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Three Things To Watch As U.S. Exits Iran Deal
May 2, 2018
Summer Blockbuster Season Starts Early
Marvel Studios' "Avengers: Infinity War" isn't just shattering box-office records. It's shattering the industry's notion of a summer blockbuster season, the Smith School's David M. Waguespack says.
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Summer Blockbuster Season Starts Early
April 25, 2018
How U.S. Fortunes Rise With Climbing Oil Prices
Blame Russia and OPEC for rising energy prices. Or thank them. Smith School professor Charles E. Olson says the United States will benefit overall as oil approaches $70 per barrel.
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How U.S. Fortunes Rise With Climbing Oil Prices
April 18, 2018
How Wizards, Caps Use Big Data to Win
Teams worried about player safety used to count just minutes played. They now use 20 different inputs to monitor athletes, Raul Fernandez of Monumental Sports & Entertainment said at the Smith School.
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How Wizards, Caps Use Big Data to Win