Smith Brain Trust

April 17, 2018
Three Steps To Return To 'Africa Rising'
For much of the past two decades, the overarching economic theme in sub-Saharan Africa has been "Africa Rising." But growth has slowed since then.
Read the article : Three Steps To Return To 'Africa Rising'
April 4, 2018
A Last-Ditch Plan To Avoid Paying Taxes
Sometimes the solution to a problem falls into a tax preparer's lap, the Smith School's Samuel Handwerger says. And sometimes that solution is a traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA).
Read the article : A Last-Ditch Plan To Avoid Paying Taxes
April 4, 2018
Mentoring in a #MeToo Era
Addressing #MeToo requires more women leaders; the backlash to #MeToo could create the opposite. Smith School experts offer advice for would-be mentors in the changed environment.
Read the article : Mentoring in a #MeToo Era
March 31, 2018
Predict Presidential Election Results
To win elections, there is a right way for political campaigns to spend their money, according to new research. Smith School professor Lingling Zhang and a co-author studied U.S. presidential campaigns for elections from 2004 through 2012.
Read the article : Predict Presidential Election Results
March 30, 2018
Open Shop in Multiple Platforms
Online retail platforms dominate ecommerce. But in crowded markets, how can vendors stand out and maintain a competitive edge? Smith School professor Jie Zhang says vendors benefit from being in multiple places.
Read the article : Open Shop in Multiple Platforms
March 29, 2018
Seize Growth Opportunities
Public firms grow faster and respond better to positive demand shocks in the first five years after an initial public offering than firms that stay private, new research co-authored by Smith School professor Liu Yang shows.
Read the article : Seize Growth Opportunities
March 28, 2018
A Sputnik Moment for U.S., China
The Soviet Union rattled the United States and triggered a Space Race in 1957 with the launch of Sputnik. Back on Earth in 2018, Smith School professor Anil K. Gupta sees a different kind of race emerging.
Read the article : A Sputnik Moment for U.S., China
March 28, 2018
Go Slow to Avoid Market Crashes
Wall Street traders make the most money when they do their best to stay under the radar of other traders by making their trades slow and steady. Research co-authored by Smith School professor Yajun Wang shows why.
Read the article : Go Slow to Avoid Market Crashes
March 28, 2018
What Uber’s Setback Means for Volvo
The name Volvo has long conjured up an image of safety. But the fatal crash involving an autonomous Uber vehicle puts the brand in new peril, says Smith School reputation expert Roland Rust.
Read the article : What Uber’s Setback Means for Volvo
March 27, 2018
Beware of the Pull of Prada
Research from Smith School professor Yajin Wang shows that luxury consumption triggers antisocial behavior, but only if the luxury product is perceived as rare and exclusive and is used in front of other people.
Read the article : Beware of the Pull of Prada
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