Smith Research
July 28, 2021
How Pioneering Startups in the Mobile Money Industry Defied All Odds
It’s a tale as old as time – David vs Goliath. And this classic underdog story illustrates pioneers of the global mobile money industry as well, according to new research from Maryland Smith.
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How Pioneering Startups in the Mobile Money Industry Defied All Odds
July 14, 2021
Can Getting Emotional At Work Increase Innovation?
Companies are always looking for ways to get teams to innovate more and find creative answers to problems.
June 17, 2021
How Our Need To Reciprocate Could Be The Key To Getting Healthy
A groundbreaking study from Maryland Smith’s Center for Health Information and Decisions Systems is the first to examine how reciprocity could be used as a motivator to influence behaviors.
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How Our Need To Reciprocate Could Be The Key To Getting Healthy
June 10, 2021
Dispersed Teams Succeed Fast But Fail Slow. And That’s A Problem.
For more than a year, many of us have been working remotely as part of a dispersed team. But how efficient are those teams? New research from Maryland Smith’s David M.
June 1, 2021
Here’s What Killed Atari And How Today’s Platforms Can Avoid The Same Fate
In the 1980s, Atari ruled the video game universe. Game developers flocked to the pioneering platform, churning out new titles. But most games developed for Atari were not Pac-Man-level quality, and that ultimately led to the platform’s demise.
June 1, 2021
How Brands Can Use Facebook To Figure Out If People Like Them
A new machine-learning algorithm can sort through social media posts to truly understand how consumers see brands.
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How Brands Can Use Facebook To Figure Out If People Like Them
May 14, 2021
Brand Reputations Rise and Fall. Managers Can Watch It in Real Time.
New research uses AI-based text analysis tool to track how a brand’s reputation rises or falls, moment by moment, on brand-related events.
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Brand Reputations Rise and Fall. Managers Can Watch It in Real Time.
May 13, 2021
How To Keep Teams From Crumbling in Times of Disruption
When a team experiences any big disruption, having an environment where people feel welcome to speak up can help everyone to process shocks and to recover, finds new research.
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How To Keep Teams From Crumbling in Times of Disruption
May 13, 2021
Are Paid Mobile Apps Still A Thing … And Should They Be?
New research has a message for app developers: Don’t rule out introducing a paid app just because it seems like the industry is swamped by free ones.
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Are Paid Mobile Apps Still A Thing … And Should They Be?
May 13, 2021
Want To Change Behaviors At Your Organization? Use Peer Pressure.
When organizations want to make lasting changes, they should use peer pressure, finds new research.
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Want To Change Behaviors At Your Organization? Use Peer Pressure.