Smith Research

May 25, 2022
Playbook for a Climate-Ready Supply Chain
Extreme weather that has increasingly hammered factories, rail lines, ports and highways is expected to intensify as the globe continues to warm. Across industries, leadership teams have awakened to the high degree of financial risk posed by this climate change.
Read the article : Playbook for a Climate-Ready Supply Chain
May 13, 2022
Optimizing RFID Technology for Utility Companies
Barring an unusually high bill, most of us pay our utility bills and don’t think much else of it. What many of us don’t know is utility companies, already low margin businesses, need to be highly efficient in reading our utility meters every billing cycle in order to avoid unnecessary costs.
Read the article : Optimizing RFID Technology for Utility Companies
April 29, 2022
The Unintended Consequences of Asking for Employee Input
Feeling comfortable enough to speak up and share your ideas and opinions at work is usually a good thing – that’s the environment most organizations should want to encourage. But some managers who solicit input might not give employees who do so enough credit, finds new research from Maryland…
Read the article : The Unintended Consequences of Asking for Employee Input
April 21, 2022
The Benefits of a Multi-Stakeholder Strategy
When companies make decisions, it’s not just shareholders they must consider – employees, suppliers, communities and governments are affected too. And new research is showing that firms that don’t factor all stakeholders into the equation are missing out.
Read the article : The Benefits of a Multi-Stakeholder Strategy
April 21, 2022
The Secret Safety Net for Money Market Funds
What’s the difference between prime institutional money market funds sponsored by bank holding companies (BHCs) and those funds that aren’t? Money market funds backed by these holding companies have an inherent safety net, according to research from Maryland Smith.
Read the article : The Secret Safety Net for Money Market Funds
April 20, 2022
A Look Into the Future of Business Operations

Imagine a future where 3-D printing is done in the back of a truck instead of a factory or a lab. The same truck is driverless, eliminating the risk of drivers getting tired and causing delays or accidents en route.

Read the article : A Look Into the Future of Business Operations
March 15, 2022
Helping Drivers Take a Turn for the Better
Running into a one-way or no-left-turn street can be pretty frustrating as a driver. It’s an even bigger problem for vehicles responsible for mapping streets as well. But new research from Maryland Smith has a solution.
Read the article : Helping Drivers Take a Turn for the Better
March 15, 2022
Why Companies are Leaving Money on the Table
Imagine a world where your deliveries are always on time and your food is never cold. Restaurants are able to coordinate when to cook orders and apps are able to efficiently assign drivers multiple orders or even ask customers picking up an order if they would be willing to drop off an order with…
Read the article : Why Companies are Leaving Money on the Table
February 16, 2022
Gender, Competitiveness and How We Advocate for Others
In the workplace, success sometimes comes down to how competitive you are. And sometimes it comes down to how competitive the people are who are advocating on your behalf.
Read the article : Gender, Competitiveness and How We Advocate for Others
February 15, 2022
With a Legal Expert in Leadership, Firms Are Less Likely to Overstate Earnings
Firms are more likely to face accounting-related lawsuits for overstating their earnings or assets than for understating them because it’s easier to demonstrate investor harm with overstatements. So erring on the conservative side can reduce a firm’s legal costs.
Read the article : With a Legal Expert in Leadership, Firms Are Less Likely to Overstate Earnings
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