Smith Brain Trust
March 26, 2018
Recover From a Service Failure
It happens. Sometimes companies let their customers down. And when they do, they need to fix it fast, says Janet Wagner of the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business.
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Recover From a Service Failure
March 25, 2018
Build Social Networks That Inspire
Our connections influence how innovative we are at work. Smith School professor Vijaya Venkataramani says the network of your "alters" — the people you turn to for problem-solving advice — can also help you become more creative.
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Build Social Networks That Inspire
March 24, 2018
Improve Flood Relief and Recovery
Niratcha “Grace” Tungtisanont, an assistant professor at the University of Maryland, researches flood recovery strategies, focusing on community resilience and preparedness. Her work emphasizes effective disaster relief, influenced by her experience with the 2011 Thai floods.
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Improve Flood Relief and Recovery
March 23, 2018
Reassess Organizational (In)Justice
Smith School professor Debra L. Shapiro and her co-authors argue for the need to reassess the instrument that is dominantly used to assess employees' perception of organizational justice.
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Reassess Organizational (In)Justice
March 22, 2018
Inside Spotify's Unconventional – And Risky – Stock Debut
What's the big deal about Spotify's unconventional IPO? The music-streaming giant is set to come to market without the help of some big investment bank. It's a known brand, and it's shown growth in its niche. So, why are investors so jittery?
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Inside Spotify's Unconventional – And Risky – Stock Debut
March 22, 2018
Dig Deep into Financial Supply Chains
To better understand the subprime mortgage debacle's role in the financial crisis of 2008, Smith School professor Louiqa Raschid says regulators must dissect the underlying financial supply chain.
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Dig Deep into Financial Supply Chains
March 21, 2018
Get the Most From a Shared Experience
Have a social outing coming up? Take a minute at the outset to make sure you're on the same page about what you each hope to get out of the experience. You'll have a better time, according to new research from Smith School professor Rebecca Ratner.
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Get the Most From a Shared Experience
March 20, 2018
Overcome Crowdfunding Discrimination
People looking to raise money using crowdfunding sites are encouraged to be authentic in their profiles. But research from the Smith School's Jessica M. Clark finds that for some fundraisers, being authentic can hinder fundraising.
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Overcome Crowdfunding Discrimination
March 19, 2018
Advertise Smarter Online
For firms advertising online, is it better to target audiences with specific interests or aim for the widest possible reach? In new research, the Smith School's Courtney Paulson develops a method to compute how to optimize both goals.
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Advertise Smarter Online
March 18, 2018
Calculate the Value of Social Media Buzz
How much is social media buzz worth to your brand? A new working paper, co-authored by Smith School professor Wendy W. Moe, quantifies the value of word-of-mouth mentions in terms of equivalent advertising dollars spent to influence consumers.
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Calculate the Value of Social Media Buzz