Smith Brain Trust

March 4, 2018
Hire More Rookies to Grow Your Firm
Conventional wisdom says firms are better off hiring people with prior experience and skills that mirror the job. But research co-authored by Smith School professor Rajshree Agarwal finds that many firms benefit from hiring rookies who are new to top management.
Read the article : Hire More Rookies to Grow Your Firm
March 3, 2018
Intervene When Justice Isn't Fair
Strict enforcement of the law sometimes rewards dirty-dealing and hypocrisy, which bothered T. Leigh Anenson as a litigator. Her new book, "Judging Equity: The Fusion of Unclean Hands in U.S. Law," explores a safety valve in the legal system designed to correct injustice.
Read the article : Intervene When Justice Isn't Fair
March 2, 2018
Know When to Update Your Technology
How do health care professionals decide when it’s time to upgrade their medical technology? Research from Smith School professor Ritu Agarwal looked at how health care professionals abandoned their use of coronary stents, in response to the emergence of new technology.
Read the article : Know When to Update Your Technology
March 1, 2018
Build Gender Inclusive Workplaces
Retaining talent in the fast-changing field of information technology means understanding the factors that influence cultural fit. Smith School professor Kathryn M. Bartol says preferences often vary by gender.
Read the article : Build Gender Inclusive Workplaces
March 1, 2018
#MeToo Must Be a B-School Call To Action
Business schools might seem safely removed from the transformation happening across corporate America. They're not. Institutions like mine play a central role in shaping attitudes about gender in the workplace
Read the article : #MeToo Must Be a B-School Call To Action
February 22, 2018
‘Black Panther’ Isn’t Just a Great Movie; It's Great Marketing
It's not often that a film smashes box office expectations in quite the way that Marvel Studio's "Black Panther" has. But it's not often that a superhero film gets so many things so right – from the screenplay, to the casting, to the marketing, says the Smith School's Henry C. Boyd III.
Read the article : ‘Black Panther’ Isn’t Just a Great Movie; It's Great Marketing
February 14, 2018
A Tax Loophole You Could Drive an Uber Through
There are two certainties, the old saying goes: Death and taxes. And though there are no known loopholes for death, tax professionals do discover tax loopholes from time to time. Like this one, involving Uber drivers.
Read the article : A Tax Loophole You Could Drive an Uber Through
February 13, 2018
Why Fashion Week Still Matters
In an era of social media, where the internet brings far-flung places closer and makes location an almost secondary consideration, there is a week when being in the right place – New York City – still matters. It's Fashion Week."It is precisely because of social media that Fashion Week has become…
Read the article : Why Fashion Week Still Matters
February 6, 2018
Are Wall Street Salaries a Scourge?
Wall Street has garnered a reputation for its high salaries. Analysts, policymakers and academics have chided the industry, accusing it of helping to distort the "efficient allocation of talent." Smith School experts break down that criticism.
Read the article : Are Wall Street Salaries a Scourge?
February 6, 2018
A Wells Fargo Sanction, a Warning for Its Peers
For Wells Fargo, the Fed's stringent sanctions last week undoubtedly come as a bit of a blow. For the rest of the banking industry, more of a warning. "This is a supervisory slapdown in a major," says the Smith School's Clifford Rossi.
Read the article : A Wells Fargo Sanction, a Warning for Its Peers
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