Smith Brain Trust

March 17, 2018
Avoid Oversharing at Work
Self-disclosure in the workplace is becoming more popular and commonplace. But research by the Smith School's Jennifer Carson Marr indicates that sharing personal information is not always in an employee’s best interest. 
Read the article : Avoid Oversharing at Work
March 16, 2018
Find Your Team Voice
Team performance improves when individuals speak up. But the type of progress made depends on what colleagues choose to emphasize when they find their collective voice. New research by Smith School professor Hui Liao suggests two possibilities.
Read the article : Find Your Team Voice
March 16, 2018
Is America's Pastime Dying?
Major League ballparks scored their lowest attendance in 15 years in 2017. A Gallup poll shows baseball dropping behind basketball in popularity. And fewer children are playing the game. Smith School professors Sean Barnes and David Kass analyze the state of America's pastime.
Read the article : Is America's Pastime Dying?
March 15, 2018
Manage the Risks of Privatization
While privatization comes with benefits — like not being beholden to market speculation — it also carries risks. Research by Smith School professor Hanna Lee suggests that going the public route may be better for the risk-averse. 
Read the article : Manage the Risks of Privatization
March 14, 2018
Shield Your Brand From Customer Misbehavior
Smith School professor Amna Kirmani explores how a company's corporate social responsibility activities might influence whether consumers will try to cheat the company.
Read the article : Shield Your Brand From Customer Misbehavior
March 14, 2018
Here’s What’s Missing From Dodd-Frank Reforms
As Congress reexamines the Dodd-Frank law, the Smith School's Clifford Rossi offers this advice: Draw the credit-reporting agencies into its scope.
Read the article : Here’s What’s Missing From Dodd-Frank Reforms
March 13, 2018
Boost Accounting Transparency
Accounting information that individual firms report can have a big impact on the economy. Smith School professor Rebecca Hann says the reason is because economic forces prevent markets from weeding out under-performing firms.
Read the article : Boost Accounting Transparency
March 12, 2018
Stop Flaunting Your Upscale Brands
If you've got it, don't flaunt it. That's the conclusion Smith School professor Rosellina Ferraro and two colleagues came to when they studied how people display the brands they use. Using brands in a conspicuous manner is a turnoff for many others.
Read the article : Stop Flaunting Your Upscale Brands
March 11, 2018
Give Outdated Tech a Second Life
In the technology world, what's old is rarely new again, which can be problematic for tech manufacturers. Smith School professor Wedad Elmaghraby says online liquidation auctions have emerged as a potential solution, operating as secondary marketplaces.
Read the article : Give Outdated Tech a Second Life
March 10, 2018
Fix Pay Gaps to Boost R&D
Companies that want to boldly go into new knowledge domains should start by looking inward at compensation design. A working paper co-authored by Smith School professor Waverly W. Ding shows that large pay gaps among research and development professionals at the same job level within an…
Read the article : Fix Pay Gaps to Boost R&D
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