Smith Brain Trust

January 30, 2018
Fantasy Merger League: 2018 Edition
Smith School experts bring you their fantasy M&A league — a list of potential tie-ups and explanations about what makes each one interesting. Imagine CVS teaming with 23andMe, or Daimler with Tesla, or Hilton with Airbnb.
Read the article : Fantasy Merger League: 2018 Edition
January 30, 2018
How Berkshire Is Disrupting Healthcare
For those who listen closely to what Warren Buffett says, the announcement that Berkshire Hathaway was hooking up with and JPMorgan Chase to create an independent healthcare company didn't come as a big surprise.
Read the article : How Berkshire Is Disrupting Healthcare
January 29, 2018
Solar Panel Tariff Treads a Dangerous Path
Protectionism breeds high prices and diminishing choices for consumers, the Smith School's Gary Cohen says in a recent appearance on Sirius XM POTUS — part of a string of recent interviews on trade policy.
Read the article : Solar Panel Tariff Treads a Dangerous Path
January 25, 2018
Gupta’s Video Diary from Davos
This week, the eyes of the world are on the tiny Alpine town of Davos, Switzerland, where government and industry leaders, including the Smith School's Anil K. Gupta, are converged for the World Economic Forum's annual gathering.
Read the article : Gupta’s Video Diary from Davos
January 23, 2018
Why 2018 Could Be Big for Fannie, Freddie
Are these the end of days for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Lawmakers are considering whether to close the chapter on conservatorship for the two government-sponsored enterprises, a move that could bring big changes to housing finance in the United States.
Read the article : Why 2018 Could Be Big for Fannie, Freddie
January 18, 2018
CVS Isn't Cool With Airbrushing Anymore
When CVS announced it would ban heavily retouched photographs from its marketing campaigns, suggesting those images set unrealistic beauty standards for the millions of women who shop in its stores, it wasn't just a good deed. It was also good business.
Read the article : CVS Isn't Cool With Airbrushing Anymore
January 18, 2018
How Sales Tax Ended Up in the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court is poised to take up an issue that states have wrestled with since before the earliest days of online retail sales. It's the issue of whether states may collect sales tax from out-of-state retailers. Sam Handwerger explains why it's a bigger deal than ever.
Read the article : How Sales Tax Ended Up in the Supreme Court
January 11, 2018
Can Blockchain Save Kodak?
Can cryptocurrency save the struggling Eastman Kodak? "Kodak is clearly trying to ride this wave," the Smith School's Brent Goldfarb says. "But I am at a loss as to the problem this solves." He thinks the effort will slowly disappear.
Read the article : Can Blockchain Save Kodak?
January 9, 2018
Is It Time To Rethink 2 Percent Inflation?
What happens when the two key pieces of economic data suggest different paths for U.S. interest rates? That's the situation playing out now as the Federal Reserve maps its course. The Smith School's Robert J. Windle explains. 
Read the article : Is It Time To Rethink 2 Percent Inflation?
January 2, 2018
Top Five Stocks To Watch in 2018
2017 was a pretty happy year for stock investors, and the Smith School's David Kass says he expects 2018 to be rosy as well. He shares his top five picks: Berkshire Hathaway, Apple, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Kraft Heinz.
Read the article : Top Five Stocks To Watch in 2018
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