Smith Brain Trust

November 15, 2017
Profs Reminisce About Their Best Gifts Ever
The best givers take time to understand their customers, who just might want a Miles Davis poster, shares in the local utility company, a piano or a pocket calculator. 
Read the article : Profs Reminisce About Their Best Gifts Ever
November 15, 2017
Your Salary Negotiation Is About To Change
How do you close the gender wage gap? Maryland is taking one step, adopting a law that will ban companies from inquiring about a job candidate's salary history.
Read the article : Your Salary Negotiation Is About To Change
November 13, 2017
Why Saudi Aramco’s IPO Might Never Happen
Speculation is swirling about the world's largest oil company. But the Smith School's Charles Olson says there is increasing evidence that an initial public offering isn't actually going to happen.
Read the article : Why Saudi Aramco’s IPO Might Never Happen
November 9, 2017
As World Speeds Up, Friedman Hits Pause
One of the smartest things you can do is pause in a volatile and uncertain world, says New York Times columnist and three-time Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas Friedman.
Read the article : As World Speeds Up, Friedman Hits Pause
November 9, 2017
14 Signs the GOP May Be Ready for a Flat Tax
Among the pages and pages of proposed changes in the still-evolving Republican tax plan, the Smith School's Sam Handwerger detects some signs that the party is becoming more open to a flat tax.
Read the article : 14 Signs the GOP May Be Ready for a Flat Tax
November 3, 2017
Showing ‘Moral Courage’ on DACA
As lawmakers continue to grapple to find a fix for the DACA program, the Smith School's William Longbrake explains why it's imperative, strategically and morally, for business leaders to weigh in.
Read the article : Showing ‘Moral Courage’ on DACA
November 2, 2017
Why You’ll Get Over The Ickiness of Amazon Key
"Hell, no," said some on social media, of the new Amazon Key service, which grants delivery people access to your house. But experts predict that what they meant was: “Not yet. But soon, hell, yes.”
Read the article : Why You’ll Get Over The Ickiness of Amazon Key
November 2, 2017
What Powell's Fed Chair Will Mean for Stocks
For stock markets, the nomination of Jerome "Jay" Powell comes as welcome news. Powell represents continuity for monetary policy in the United States, the Smith School's David Kass says. 
Read the article : What Powell's Fed Chair Will Mean for Stocks
October 26, 2017
Inside Elon Musk's Superspeed Vision
Smith School professors David A. Kirsch and Brent Goldfarb examine the feasibility of futuristic plans for a 600 mph hyperloop between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore.
Read the article : Inside Elon Musk's Superspeed Vision
October 25, 2017
A Sonic Setback for Cuba's Economy
No one is quite sure what's behind the wave of sonic attacks in Havana that have harmed at least 21 American diplomats and their family members. The matter remains a mystery. It's also a setback.
Read the article : A Sonic Setback for Cuba's Economy
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